One-time Fee $1299.99 Monthly Fee $129.99 (includes our monthly hosting fee) Save 10% (approx.$155) when the applicable monthly fee is paid on a yearly basis, in advance.
If you need more than what is offered in our Wordpress-based Bronze or Silver packages, or if you simply do not want to use Wordpress, we're certain you will find this Gold package the perfect solution. Everything is coded to reflect your particular business, and we incorporate a very easy-to-use administration panel for the database portion of your store.
Our Gold package also includes professional images bought from online photo websites, so that you don't have to worry about any copyright issues.
Entering products, descriptions and photos.
We build the layout, we add all required "front-end" pages and functionality, and we add the technology needed to tie into your online merchant account.
You are then responsible to do the followiing:
Additional help - if you finds that too hard, we can help you along the way and we only charge for the extra time it takes to make you happy!